
Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Grand Canyon

 Everyone has seen photos of the Grand Canyon before but you can not even begin to comprehend the immensity of this natural wonder. I was taken by complete surprise. You are standing on flat level ground and out of nowhere behind some trees is this hole that plummets more than 2000 feet to the Colorado River. The days we were there we had a blanket of haze thanks to LA. In the Fall you can have days were you can see for 120 miles but we only had 5 miles visibility for the two days we were there.

We had enough time to take a walk on the Southern Rim after we unhooked from the camper. This was my first meeting with the Grand Canyon. I couldn't wrap my head around the size of the canyon, since there are no familiar objects at the bottom. Jean cooked up some rice and sausage for dinner and we prepared for a long day on the Southern Rim tomorrow.

We drove into the Canyon Village and took advantage of the National Park Shuttle System. We decided to check out the Hermit Rest area of the park via the shuttle. We spent the whole better half of the day on the Hermit Trail exploring the Canyon.

As the sun began to set the temperature dropped extremely quick. So we skipped the Angel Bright Trail and went to the market to pick up some chicken for the grill. Later that night we were were held hostage by a hungry deer. I first noticed him when I went outside to empty the tanks for the night. The shot to the right is from our kitchen window which is right above the tank valves that I needed to get to. At one point Jean and I went outside after checking out the window to see if he was still around. I went to the back of the camper and as soon as I turned to corner he was right there. Scared the crap put of me. Have you ever seen that Youtube video of that hunter getting the piss slapped out of him. If not here it is.

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